Small Business Marketing Trends for 2020

As 2020 comes into focus, we thought it’d be useful for all business owners out there to get an idea of what marketing strategies will be worth pursuing in the coming year based on industry trends.

In this article, we go over a mix of strategies that are growing in popularity and effectiveness, and that may help take your business to the next level. And as always, let us know if you need some help making it happen!

1| Social Media Shopping

Image: LA Times

Image: LA Times

We will be writing a whole article on this topic in the future, but Social Media Shopping (or Social Commerce) is a way to use your social media accounts more effectively by adding CTAs to your content in a way that will make it easier for consumers to purchase.

This can look like many things, from “Buy” buttons on Twitter and Facebook to shoppable posts and stories. If you sell tangible products, consider a social media effort as part of your ecommerce strategy. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter all make it simple to purchase and fulfill for buyers and sellers.

2| Content Marketing

Optimized content is everything, and that won’t be changing in 2020 … or anytime soon, for that matter. As you know, customers don’t want to be sold to. They want to be entertained, get their heartstrings tugged, or find answers to their questions. When you create content that accomplishes one or more of those things, you gain a few things that are invaluable to your brand: top-of-mind awareness and goodwill.

We recommend starting and maintaining a blog with content that your audience will care about, creating high quality and relevant visual content for your social media channels, and connecting with them via email or text message campaigns with information they will value.

3| Personalization

In a survey by Epsilon, 80% of consumers said that they’d be more likely to do business with a brand that provides a personalized experience.

Thanks to advances in online data collection and insights reporting, we have access to incredibly valuable data that can help us create truly personalized experiences for our customers based on what they’re interested in and where in the buying process they are.

4| Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a tactic that just continues to grow. 2020 will see the continued rise of micro-influencers, also known as influencers who may not have a humongous following, but instead benefit from a smaller, highly engaged, and loyal audience.

Consider partnering with local influencers who align with your brand. They can promote your products or services to their audiences and help expand your digital footprint.

5| More (and Better) Analytics

Does your company have a website? If so, do you use Google Analytics to keep an eye on your site’s visitors and what they’re doing? If not, you’re missing out! Google Analytics can help you learn:

  • How interested your audience is in your company

  • Which search terms they use to land on your site

  • How long they’re spending on your site

  • Which pages they visit first, second, third, and on

In fact, at Madison Marketing Hound, we check our clients’ GA accounts often so we can get an idea of where we’re at in relation to our goals. Once we have that information, we know what we have to do to continue to grow our numbers or course correct, if needed. Knowing how your marketing efforts are affecting website traffic will be key as you implement all sorts of strategies to help you grow your business!

Do these suggestions sound interesting, but you’re not sure where to get started? That’s what we’re here for! Just shoot us a message and we can chat to see how we can help you grow your business in 2020.

Happy New Year!